
Jam Camp

The Jam Camp is the main Italian youth academy sport and since 1997 offers summer courses for boys and girls.

The Jam Camp is an unmissable opportunity to share their passion for sport with peers from all over Europe and large Testimonials present.

An active holiday that combines an energetic and accurate technical work on the playgrounds to an unforgettable holiday in beautiful locations, with moments of entertainment and aggregation: entertainment, music, games, excursions, beach / pool.

Jam Camp Academy has enthusiastically married the idea of a collaboration with the nascent Camp Play Fencing of Salsomaggiore Terme and will provide all its experience and professionalism.

For any further information on Jam Camps

Academy Fencing LIA

The aim of the Academy is to favor the social inclusion of individuals affected by autism spectrum disorder in a recreational context, using the peculiarities of fencing to implement some skills and give them the opportunity to practice sports at a competitive level.

Like all combat sports, fencing has in fact important metacognitive aspects: it strengthens the perception of the other, teaches to read the movements of the adversary, to understand their moods and to distinguish the potentially threatening movements, enhances the cognitive abilities of strategy and problem solving; only in theory an individual sport but in reality both the combat modes, in which the opponent is only a few meters, and the way of structuring the activity make it to all effects a social-relational sport that enhances the skills of integration interpersonal.

Progetto AITA

The project was born in 2001 to provide a tool to support children with autism spectrum disorder.

In the AITA Project working model, the children are inserted in groups of peers with typical development and followed by an instructor and a suitably trained tutor (psychologist or psycho-pedagogist in a ratio of 1: 1: 1, depending on the need for support), in a non-competitive environment, with the ultimate aim of creating a global welfare state.

With camps, mixing play, inclusion and social interaction in a well-structured context, the project offers a capillary presence on the territory alongside children with neurodevelopmental disorders.

Città di Salsomaggiore Terme
Jam Camp
Accademia Scherma Lia